Architectural Rendering

Visual design for products,
Aimed at the use of graphics and other intuitive means,
Clear and effective communication and communication,
To form a highly efficient function, using the print shot, to complete the customer mission objectives.

Latest case

项目名称:Gui yang Super hi gh- r i se bui l di ng
服务客户:Guangzhou Yuej i an des i gn Co. , Lt d
项目名称:Guangzhou Aust r al i a Gar den
服务客户:Sout h Chi na Uni ver si t y of Technol ogy
项目名称:Qianhai Shenzhen project
服务客户:South China University of Technology sun teacher
项目名称:Zhuhai Gongbei commercial building
服务客户:Sout h Chi na Uni ver si t y of Technol ogy
项目名称:Jiangwan new town
项目名称: Hongkong pr oj ect
服务客户:CGNPC bi d
项目名称: Ji ngwu r oad pr oj ect
服务客户:Yuexi u Real Est at e
项目名称: Head of f i ce
服务客户: Zhuhai Gaoxi ng pl anni ng
项目名称:Phnom Penh Gemi ni Tower
服务客户: P & T Ar chi t ect s & Engi neer s
项目名称:Shenyang Super Hi gh- r i se Bui l di ng
服务客户:Sout h Chi na Uni ver si t y of Technol ogy
项目名称:Zhongshan Ki ng of l i ght bui l di ng
项目名称: f i nanci al Cent er
服务客户:Uni t ed Desi gn Gr oup