

Visual design for products,
Aimed at the use of graphics and other intuitive means,
Clear and effective communication and communication,
To form a highly efficient function, using the print shot, to complete the customer mission objectives.

Latest case

Project Title:Guangzhou Financial City
Customer Service:South China University of Technology
Project Title:zengcheng hotel
Customer Service:Guangzhou Bo Sheng Building Design Office
Project Title:Chi nes e medi ci ne bui l di ng
Customer Service: Guangzhou Bosheng Ar chi t ect ur e dei gn com
Project Title:Dongsha por t pr oj ect
Customer Service:Pl anni ng I nst i t ut e
Project Title:Guangdong Bank headquarters
Customer Service:South China University of Technology
Project Title:Shunde bank of agr i cul t ur and commer ce
Customer Service:
Project Title:DCI Nanchang green sp
Customer Service:
Project Title:t he Sout h Chi na Sea Commer ce Bui l di ng
Customer Service:Foshan Sout h Col l ege
Project Title:Bathroom City
Customer Service:Guangdong Architectural Design & Research Inst
Project Title:Aviation micro high software
Customer Service:Guangzhou Bo Sheng Building Design Office
Project Title:The i nt er nat i onal of f i c
Customer Service: Ki ngol d Gr uop
Project Title: Foshan I ndust r i al Par k
Customer Service: Foshan Sout h col l ege